Emerging Companies ($5mm-$50mm revenues) are facing unmet Growth Potential. Their ability to be Agile & Responsive to Fluctuating Market Demand stifled by Inflexible or Unavailable Growth Capital.

Meanwhile, Founder-owned Companies, and Non-core Operating Assets of large Private Equity & Corporate Operators; face unique considerations within today's globally complex macroeconomic environment.

Additionally, Larger Competitors are Enduring Forced Consolidation due to Debt Restructuring, High Operating Costs, Large Corporate Competition, Elevated Financing Costs, and Debt-Laden Balance Sheets.

Collectively taken, Mammen Partners believes that our Ability to Work with Business Founders, Owners and Key-Person Management Teams; enable us to be the Best Partner in Growing the Company's Product & Service Platform with Strategic Capital Placement and Global Growth Initiatives.

The Emerging Enterprise

Our Mission

We're on a mission to change the way Private Equity works. Greater Sustainability, Fewer Shenanigans.

Rather than replacing the founder with a boilerplate MBA thesis, we want to leverage our combined expertise to partner with as many founder-led companies as we can.

Our goal is to grow businesses leveraging our track record with Global Corporate Product Delivery, Institutional Management, Financial & Operational Best Practices, and Strategic Brand Development.

Our Vision

Mammen Partners Principals want to build a Multi-Generation Investment Holding Company where our people are part of a Lasting Commercial Enterprise, and Benefit from Risk-Responsible Growth within Profitable Companies & Healthy Communities.

We want to live in a world where professionals can join our firm, and build an economically fulfilling life while partaking in the success that Mammen Partner Portfolio Companies will achieve long-term.


Portfolio Growth Philosophy

Talent Management Philosophy